A media briefing was successfully held at AsiaWorld-Expo (AWE) on 15 July to announce that Super Terminal Expo will make Hong Kong its home commencing in November 2024. Super Terminal Expo has become one of the city’s most anticipated mega events, strongly supported by Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK).
According to Michael Duck, the Executive Vice President of Commercial Development of Informa Markets, Hong Kong has one of the world’s busiest port and airport, and the world’s largest multi-storey air cargo terminal. Combined with the unique geographical conditions, Hong Kong is the perfect location for this event.
The event is expected to attract over 300 exhibitors brands. Michael said, “Informa Markets didn’t choose Hong Kong by chance. Hong Kong’s position as a multi-modal transportation hub offers unparalleled access to the Greater Bay Area and beyond, making it the ideal location for Super Terminal Expo.”
According to Vivian Cheung, Acting Chief Executive Officer of AAHK “… (Super Terminal Expo) will not only bring new ideas and business opportunities for our aviation and transportation sector, but also benefit the wider economy of Hong Kong and further promote Hong Kong’s attraction to major global events.”
The briefing was heavily attended by local and regional TV news crews, newspaper reporters, and digital media outlets, underscoring the high level of interest and anticipation surrounding the event.

Other media coverage:
- 超級樞紐博覽會首次在港舉辦 機管局:向世界展示本港航空實力 (NowTV, 15 July 2024)
- Super Terminal Expo to be held in Hong Kong (RTHK, 15 July 2024)
- HK lands Super Terminal Expo (The Standard, 15 July 2024)
- Super Terminal Expo To Debut In Hong Kong This November With Strong Backing From Airport Authority Hong Kong (Travel And Tour World, 15 July 2024)
- Super Terminal Expo Commits To Hong Kong from November 2024 With AAHK’s Support (Aviation Week Network, 15 July 2024)
- Super Terminal Expo settles in Hong Kong (TTRWeekly, 18 July 2024)
- Super Terminal Expo commits to Hong Kong from November 2024 with AAHK’s support (Payload Asia, 16 July 2024)
STE Commits to Hong Kong from Nov 24 with AAHK Support (International Airport Review, 17 July 2024)
超級樞紐博覽會11月舉辦 設低空經濟論壇 (RTHK, 15 July 2024)
- 超級樞紐博覽會11月在港舉行 機管局:提升香港對國際盛事吸引力 (CRHK, 15 July 2024)
- 香港國際機場支持全新國際博覽會落戶香港 (Metro Radio, 15 July 2024)
- 超級樞紐博覽會11月在港首度亮相 機管局:有助提升對國際盛事吸引力 (Sing Tao, 15 July 2024)
- 11月舉行超級樞紐博覽會 設低空經濟論壇 (Oriental Daily News, 15 July 2024)
- 超級樞紐博覽11月在港首登場 (Wen Wei Po, 15 July 2024)
- 機管局:三跑料11月啟用 首辦超級樞紐博覽會尋新機遇 (HK01, 15 July 2024)
- 超級樞紐博覽會11月舉辦,機管局料可提升香港對國際盛事吸引力 (etnet, 15 July 2024)
- 香港机管局鼎力支持!超级枢纽博览会将于11月举办 (CARNOC, 15 July 2024)
And more…
With the enthusiastic media coverage and continued community support, Super Terminal Expo is poised to be another resounding success, further cementing its status as one of the city’s mega events.
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